Black Friday Recommendations

It’s here again. Black Friday. Oh, and the holiday season too.
To be honest, I’m not really a fan of Black Friday. Don’t get me wrong. I love to save money. And you can definitely save some money on Black Friday (but you have to spend some first!). And I love getting good recommendations on Black Friday deals.
But, it seems that Black Friday now overshadows Thanksgiving. It’s true that Thanksgiving is a “secular” holiday. But it can lead us to God and remind us to be sincerely thankful.
Yesterday, as we drove to Baton Rouge to celebrate Thanksgiving with family, we passed a Best Buy. There were people camping out in tents. A lot of people. At 11:00 in the morning on Thanksgiving day!
I was shocked.
I don’t advocate spending the night outside of stores and missing out on spending time around the table with family and friends. But, now that Black Friday is here, I will recommend some goodies for the foodies in your life.
Please note that the links I include here are affiliate links for By shopping at through the links on this page, you help to support the work I do here at You help me to cover the cost of web hosting and other expenses I have in producing the Catholic Foodie podcast and website. And the really good news about shopping at through my links is that it doesn’t cost you a penny more. doesn’t charge you anything extra. But, they do through a few pennies my way for sending you to them.
Below are some goodies that I personally recommend from Take advantage of all the savings you can get this weekend. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to enter into Advent without having to worry about big shopping lists? That’s what I am hoping to accomplish this weekend.
Bon appetit!
I just got a new Kindle Touch this week. I am really loving it, and I highly recommend it!
There are LOTS of goodies in the Kitchen & Dining section on
I love cooking with cast iron. carries lot of Lodge Logic pieces. Here’s one of the skillets I use almost every day:
13 years ago, Char and I received many wonderful wedding gifts. Among our favorites was this glass mixing bowl set by Duralex. Not only has it lasted all these years, but we have also ordered extra bowls in various sizes. They are great for holding ingredients when preparing to cook, for tasting soups and gumbos, and the big one is great for tossing salads. I cannot emphasis enough how much we love these bowls by Duralex. They are made in France and they are remarkably durable:
We had a Microplane grater simiar to the one below, but it fell apart. I need a new one and I am thinking about ordering this one.
There are so many great deals on kitchen stuff right now. Click on the links above and browse around at Take advantage of the sales now, and get yourself ready for Advent… It starts in two days!