CF14 – I Confess… I Love Dem Crawfish!

Confession and crawfish? Yes! Both are wonderful, and both are on the menu today at The Catholic Foodie.
Confession is a sacrament. It is an efficacious sign instituted by Jesus to give grace. According to the gospels, the power to forgive sins was the first power given to the apostles by the Risen Lord. Although confession lines are much, much shorter than communion lines, it is obvious that confession is making a comeback. In this episode, we will see some evidence of that. As a matter of fact, I see a beautiful openness to the sacrament in the teens entrusted to my care and, in this show, I share how I explain the sacrament to teens and their parents.
Crawfish is a South Louisiana delicacy. Experts have told us that this year’s crop will not be plentiful. But, our experience this past week tells us something different. We have been to three crawfish boils… and, twice this week, we have come home with ice chests full of crawfish! Wow!
All of this and more is on the menu at The Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!
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