March 1, 2010

CF63 – Fasting for the Feast

CF63 – Fasting for the Feast

We are very lucky to have Char on the show again today. And many thanks to Sarah Reinhard for the awesome intro!

What’s on the menu for episode 63? Well, today we fast… or, at least, we talk about fasting. And, you know, fasting makes sense only in the context of feasting. Have you ever thought of that before? I really hadn’t until reading The Spirituality of Fasting by Msgr. Charles M. Murphy. Excellent book. I highly recommend it for your lenten prayer and reflection.

Char and I begin our lenten journey with The Power of Small Choices by discussing a scene from Babette’s Feast. I certainly hope that you join the conversation! Please read my last post to get more information. That post is entitled Journey Through Lent with Foodie Fiction and More. Check it out!

You can get a copy of The Spirituality of Fasting from Aquinas and More(

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Download episode 63 here or listen to it below:

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