CF76 – El Camino

We have an exciting show today. Sandy Garayzar joins us from Spain. She is a remarkable pilgrim, wine producer and foodie. We talk about the Camino de Santiago de Compostela (the Way of St. James), vino, and food. Awesome.
Also, I briefly recap our retreat with Immaculee, particularly the messages of Our Lady of Kibeho and the power of the rosary.
Sarah Reinhard reflects on Mary and her husband as Father’s Day approaches. A special thanks to L’Angelus for letting us use their Ave Maria in the show!
You will notice a bit of recurring static during the interview segment. Sorry about that. Looks like it was technical difficulty with Skype. It aggravates me because I am a perfectionist. You probably won’t even notice it.
Don’t forget to visit Sandy’s site for her wine La Flecha Amarilla. You can also find her on Facebook on the Flecha Amarilla page.
You have to see this stunning trailer for the Camino Documentary by Lydia Smith. You can find it on her site: The Camino Documentary. I have also embedded the trailer below.
Sandy referred to a trailer about a new movie with Martin Sheen… Here it is!
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