CF82 – Dinner, Divine Office, and Lino’s Beer

Prayer before meals, great people that I met & dined with at the CNMC, the ingenious ideas of Dane Falkner (of fame), and hitting the pub with Lino and friends… Plus a recipe for Abita Amber Beer Jerk Chicken and a review of the cookbook Saints at the Dinner Table. Good stuff! Feedback: 985-635-4974.
Prayer Before Meals:
Father in Heaven, You who feed us with finest wheat, we come to you and acknowledge your Goodness, your providence. And to thank you. Thank you, Father for all the gifts you have given to us. For life. For your Son Jesus, our Savior. For feeding us with your Word. And thank you, Father, feeding our bodies. All good gifts come from you, Father. We bless you who bless us so richly. Please bless us now and the food we are about to enjoy. Help us to be mindful of your presence with us, and to rejoice in the Goodness of your love. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
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