Cocktail Hour with Oysters – #SundaySupper

I have oysters on the brain.
Maybe it’s just that time of the year. Cooler weather. The holidays. I don’t know. This is just a good time of the year for oyster lovers in south Louisiana.
So, when I was invited to participate in a virtual progressive dinner with several amazing foodies, I offered to bring along the oysters.
Ideally, the oysters used for the following recipes should be freshly shucked. I enjoy shucking oysters, so that wouldn’t be a problem for me. However, to save time (and to avoid a mess) you can always buy your oysters already shucked.
I am very happy to be sharing this #SundaySupper with these fine foodies. After enjoying my “Bayou Mary” Oyster Shooters and raw and grilled oysters, make sure you progress to the other foodie blogs for a taste of the goodness they are all bringing to the table.
Bon appetit!
“Bayou Mary” Oyster Shooters
This cocktail works best if you first make a batch of Bayou Mary (my twist on the classic Bloody Mary). You could make these shooters to order, but it’s more expedient to make them in batches… especially for a party.
Ingredients for the Bayou Mary
- 1 quart tomato juice
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of Tabasco
- 2 teaspoons freshly grated horseradish
- Dash of cayenne
- Dash of kosher salt
- Dash of freshly cracked black pepper
Combine all ingredients to taste. Then chill until ready to use.
Bayou Mary Oyster Shooters
- 1 freshly shucked raw oyster (with its liquor)
- 1/2 to 1 ounce of quality vodka (store in freezer until ready to use)
- 1/2 to 1 ounce Bayou Mary
- Squeeze of lemon
In a chilled shot glass (or a martini glass), add the Bayou Mary, then the vodka. Top with the oyster and its liquor. Finish it off with a squeeze of lemon.
Cocktail Sauce for Raw Oysters
When it comes to cocktail sauce for raw oysters, usually everybody wants to make their own. But, here are the ingredients for making a batch of it for a party. Just mix it all together, according to taste. Spoon some of the cocktail sauce on a freshly shucked oyster, then slurp it down and enjoy!
- Ketchup
- Fresh lemon juice
- Freshly grated horseradish
- Tabasco Hot Sauce
“Grilled” Oysters
This is a great appetizer. And if you don’t have a grill, no worries! You can also make this dish in the oven.
In the past we have used oyster shells on the grill, metal muffin pans on the grill, and even a stoneware muffin pan in the oven. These oysters are always a hit.
Below are the directions for preparing these oysters in an oven. Currently, my grill is out of commission… so I’m stuck with the oven. But the oven method works just fine.
In a small saucepan, melt a stick of butter at low heat. Add generous amounts of the following: fresh chopped garlic, Louisiana Hot Sauce, fresh lemon juice, and green onions (the green onions act as “flavor catchers” in this intensely poignant sauce!). Bring up the heat a bit to a simmer. Add a splash or two of whatever (good) beer you may have open. Beer pairs so well with Louisiana oysters!
This sauce says, “WOW!”
Adjust to your liking. Just remember that it should zing!
Add sauce to the bottom of muffin tin compartments. Add an oyster to each compartment. Top with grated hard cheese (Romano or Parmesan) and a touch of chopped parsley for looks. Cook at 450 until the cheese is bubbly.
Dive in as soon as the oysters come out of the oven. We arm ourselves with bamboo skewers. Attack and repeat.
It’s also good to have some good, light French bread on hand. You won’t want to leave a drop of the sauce behind. The French bread is good at sopping up every drop of deliciousness. Every. Single. Drop.
Don’t forget to move on to the next “house” in this progressive dinner. You’ll find more from the participants below. You can also join us on Twitter by using the hashtag #SundaySupper.