Preparing to Launch New Podcast
I am preparing to launch a new podcast: The Catholic Foodie.
I have a number of ideas for the show. I want to list some of them here and ask you for your input and suggestions.
I am thinking that the show will last about 20 to 30 minutes. I hope to divide it into four segments. The first would be Catholic stuff… but I don’t know what to call it yet. But in this segment I will talk about many topics (one per episode): food in the bible… passover, covenant meals, last supper, the fish Jesus ate after the resurrection, the wine at Cana, the history of beer, the particular types of wine that can be used in the Eucharistic celebration, the heavenly banquet, various catholic food / celebration traditions, biblical food concepts like the goodness of creation and meals as a symbol of communion, etc….
Another segment would be “What’s cooking?” This segment would deal with listener feedback, hopefully with people sharing what they have been cooking lately or what they are planning to cook.
One segment may be about what I am cooking… so it’s like “In my kitchen” or some other title. Another segment would cover reviews of various things: restaurants, recipes, cookbooks, books about food, and possibly cooking shows….
“On tap” would include history and reviews of beers and wines.
Maybe a featured recipe each episode.
These various segments will be on a rotation. I will only cover three or four each episode. I am also thinking that it will be a weekly show.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
Please let me know your thoughts. I am very excited about this project and really want your feedback.
Thank you!