The Catholic Foodie and LOLA Deux on The Cooking Channel

I’m going to be on TV.
So is my son.
And several of my friends.
I know it’s really not that big of a deal. It’s not like we are becoming stars or anything. But it is kinda exciting. It is kinda fun.
Back in November of 2013, I wrote about The Cooking Channel show Eat Street coming to Covington to feature my friends Keith & Nealy Frentz and their restaurant and food truck: LOLA and LOLA Deux. As a local food writer and radio personality, I was invited to be on-camera that day. It was a lot of fun, and – as usual – the food was excellent.
I anxiously awaited the news as to when the show would air, but no news ever came. After a few months, I became convinced that my performance was so bad that they decided to scrap the whole episode. But, as it turns out, I was wrong. Eat Street just plans waaayyyy in advance. The episode debuts tonight at 9:30 Central on the Cooking Channel.
Check out the trailer here: