September 15, 2010

A Comment I Just Have To Share With You

A Comment I Just Have To Share With You

I just received a comment over on the Catholic Foodie Facebook page that I just have to share with you. It blew me away.

Jason Lopez commented on episode 87 (CF87 – Sheep, Coins, & Me!). I’ll let Jason speak for himself:

“Just listened to episode 87 today at work and I was amazed. I have been listening to the divine office for about a year and a half, and it has really become a cornerstone in keeping me grounded in Christ all day. I wasn’t too suprised when you had them on your show. Neat, but not strange. When I heard you talking today about Father Al, I was very suprised. I have been listening to him for about 2 years, and he is absolutely one of the most profound preachers I have ever heard. I listen to his Daily Bread podcast mon thru fri. I started listening to Catholic podcasts so as not to feel so isolated. It seems like we are constantly walking around w/ targets on our back, so friends are good.You truly bring a sense of real friendship and community into your show, and I would just like to thank you for your works.”


Jason, thank you so much for that comment and for taking the time to thank me. I want to sincerely thank you and all the listeners / readers of the Catholic Foodie. It is only because of you that friendship and community can be found here.

I am so happy that folks find something of value in the Catholic Foodie podcast and blog. Hearing from you let’s me know that we have a good thing here. I’m just sharing my passion for food and faith, hoping to inspire others. As a matter of fact, it’s this passion that drives me to launch the two new projects I’m preparing to launch: the new Catholic Foodie newsletter, and the “cookbook.” I ask you all to keep these new projects in your prayers.

If you want to know more about the Divine Office iPhone app, visit Visit me at /divineoffice to learn why I love this app so much.

Fr. Al’s radio show and podcast links (Daily Bread) can be found on Presentation Ministries website:

Jason had something great to say. Thanks again, Jason!

Do you want to chime in?

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