CF110 – St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church

Wow! What a first week of Lent!

As I mentioned last episode, Mardi Gras was really late this year. As a matter of fact, the Mardi Gras season lasted a long as it is possible to last. Lent can’t start any later than the end of the first week of March, and this year Ash Wednesday was on March 9th.

Starting Lent so late put those of us in the New Orleans area in sort of a strange situation. You see, the very first week of Lent contained two huge Catholic and cultural feast days: St. Patrick and St. Joseph. Both of those saints have a devoted following down here in New Orleans. And we talk about that on the show today. St. Patrick’s Day Parades (which don’t happen on the actual feast day), St. Joseph Altars, Irish and Italian influences in New Orleans, and even the Mardi Gras Indians make it into the discussion today.

I share an excerpt on St. Joseph Altars from the book The Joy of Y’at Catholicism by Earl J. Higgins, and our good friend Evann Duplantier joins me to discuss St. Joseph’s huge feast day and the Virtual St. Joseph Altar that Evann set up 12 years ago. Sarah Reinhard joins us to reflect on St. Joseph and how he influenced what happened in the kitchen in Nazareth.

Special thanks to L’Angelus for the use of their Ave Maria in the show.

Don’t forget to check out the family Lenten activities (and the recipe for Hot Cross Buns) on Kate Daneluk’s site

Also mentioned in the show:

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