
A collection of 5 posts

Oct 14, 2009

Confirmation, Reverence, & FlashForward

Confirmation, Reverence, & FlashForward

Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans, conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on 78 young people in our parish Monday night. I had the pleasure, with the assistance of a number of

Oct 11, 2009

CF42 – Holy Meals

CF42 – Holy Meals

What has been the holiest meal you have ever shared? Outside the Mass, that is. I asked this question the other day on Plurk & Twitter & Facebook, and I received a number

Sep 13, 2009

CF37 – Cookinary Arts

CF37 – Cookinary Arts

Goodness! This is a jam-packed episode! We start off with some voice feedback. If you remember, last episode I requested voice feedback as part of a contest to win a Catholic Foodie apron

Aug 31, 2009

CF35 – Back To School Lunches

CF35 – Back To School Lunches

On the menu today… School lunches. No, we not going to eat school lunches, we’re just going to talk about them! Also on the menu: religious education and sacramental preparation for Confirmation,