
A collection of 13 posts

Nov 15, 2021

Marriage: More Poetry than Planned

Marriage: More Poetry than Planned

Yesterday my wife Char and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary. Or, to be more accurate, yesterday was our anniversary, but we’ve been celebrating for several days. It started on Thursday evening

Nov 30, 2014

Entering Into Advent

Entering Into Advent

Advent begins today. Advent. You know, that season of the Church that seems like a blur? The one that’s neatly tucked in between Thanksgiving and Christmas? The one that is so easy

Nov 23, 2014

Lamb and Tomato Stew with Crispy Potatoes

Lamb and Tomato Stew with Crispy Potatoes

Last February I led the first Food Meets Faith pilgrimage to the Holy Land []. We were there for 11 days. We spent the first 4 days in the

Oct 24, 2014

Mark Bittman: Be Radical, Cook at Home.

Mark Bittman: Be Radical, Cook at Home.

There’s lots of talk right now in the public square about cooking at home. Some praise home cooking [] and are rallying for a return

Oct 18, 2014

Food TV Ain’t What It Used to Be

Food TV Ain’t What It Used to Be

Do you watch food TV? For years we loved to watch Food Network [] It was the channel that stayed on in the background. Then life got busy and we didn’

Aug 15, 2014

A Culinary Tour of New Orleans

A Culinary Tour of New Orleans

A culinary tour of New Orleans? Yes. That’s what I called my plan for my son’s 15th birthday, which was on Wednesday. “We are going on a culinary tour of New

Jan 13, 2014

Cajun or Creole?

Cajun or Creole?

Which Is It? Cajun or Creole? I was in Lafayette on Friday. My wife and I made the 2-hour drive to join our friends in their celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony. The

Oct 29, 2013

A Halloween without Candy?

A Halloween without Candy?

A Healthy Halloween? I know it is silly, but I have received so much joy from watching these little kids in this commercial. I can’t tell you how many times I have