CF80 – A Feast Worthy of Babette… Sort of

A special feast and a new beer are on the menu today, and I am very excited to share them with you! Last week Char and I had our good friends and fellow foodies, Danny & Christi Burns, over for dinner. It was more than just a meal. It was an experience. Even more, it was an experience of the JOY of God’s love. A truly remarkable dinner. In this episode I tell you why.
Abita Brewing Co. has released a new brew called S.O.S., which stands for “Save Our Shore.” It is a charitable endeavor to benefit the oil spill recovery efforts in the Gulf of Mexico. The day it hit the shelves Char and I got a bottle of S.O.S. to sample for you. I think you will enjoy this visit with us in our kitchen.
I also bring you a cooking tip that will hopefully keep you healthy in the kitchen. I’d love to know what you think about this one (Hint, hint).
And how about a tour of the Rouxbe Cooking School? You find that on the menu today too.
In “Mary in the Kitchen” this week, Sarah Reinhard reflects on why she loves Mary in the kitchen and encourages everyone to call the Among Women feedback line to share stories of loving Mary, 206-338-6077 or email by August 2 to share why you love Mary.
A special thanks to L’Angelus for letting us use their Ave Maria in the show!
Here are a few links that I promised you in the show:
- Top 10 burger places in the US
- Episode of interview with the president of Abita Beer, David Blossman
- Episode of interview with Joe Girard, co-founder of
- Lisa’s blog – Of Sound Mind and Spirit (Thanks for the awesome voice feedback, Lisa!)
- You will be able to catch the CNMC live by going to Join us!
As I mention in the show, we are still $225 short of covering the CNMC trip. I’ve already bought my plane ticket (that’s right… I stepped out in faith!). Now I am trying to cover the hotel. Remember the reason I am asking for donations is because a long-time listener offered to match any funds that are raised. He knows how important it is for me to be at the CNMC, and considering my current career transition, this is one way he knew he could help me to get there. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Click here to make a donation of $5, $10, or whatever amount you like. THANK YOU!
Don’t forget to check out this video. It’s us and the Burns’ rolling grape leaves. You might find it educational, as well entertaining.
To leave feedback for the Catholic Foodie, call 985-635-4974 and leave a message. You can also leave feedback for me at
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