You might recognize Diana. She’s known as The Faithful Traveler
[] and she has produced multiple Catholic
travel television series that have aired on EWTN [].
Kuma’s Corner and the “Sacrilicious” Burger
Early this month I received an intriguing email from Ellen Hirst of The Chicago Tribune about a hamburger in Chicago that was raising some eyebrows. She
What’s the Deal with Catholicism and Food?
I’m The Catholic Foodie, right? This is “where food meets faith,” right? But I don’t often talk plainly about the food-faith connection. I
I read a book a number of years ago that really struck me by it’s simplicity and depth. The Privilege to Be Catholic by Fr. Oscar Lukefahr, C.M. The basis of
Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans, conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on 78 young people in our parish Monday night. I had the pleasure, with the assistance of a number of
On the menu today… School lunches. No, we not going to eat school lunches, we’re just going to talk about them!
Also on the menu: religious education and sacramental preparation for Confirmation,
Confession and crawfish? Yes! Both are wonderful, and both are on the menu today
at The Catholic Foodie.
Confession is a sacrament. It is an efficacious sign instituted by Jesus to give