
A collection of 9 posts

Nov 20, 2012

Thanksgiving And The Fullness of Truth

Thanksgiving And The Fullness of Truth

On the show today… Thanksgiving! I had a wonderful conversation with the folks over at Baton Rouge Catholic Radio this morning. I’ve included a few clips here in the show. Here are

Feb 17, 2012

Do You Know That You Are Good?

Do You Know That You Are Good?

Do you know that you are good? The Catholic Foodie is where food meets faith. It’s all about how God made the world–and us–good. The world we live in today

Mar 15, 2011

Catholic Media Promotion Day

Catholic Media Promotion Day

Today is Catholic Media Promotion Day []. What is that, you ask. Well, it’s an opportunity for us to join together in promoting Catholic media. And why would

Jul 28, 2009

Where Does Food Meet Faith in Your Life?

Where Does Food Meet Faith in Your Life?

One of the main goals of the Catholic Foodie is to highlight “…Where food meets faith!” A couple of weeks ago, as a promotion of Zatarain’s Jambalaya Throwdown, I issued my own