
A collection of 15 posts

Apr 27, 2013

Lebanese Chicken with Tomato and Feta Dressing

Lebanese Chicken with Tomato and Feta Dressing

Lebanese Chicken When it comes to Lebanese chicken, the question really becomes… To Shawarma or Not to Shawarma? Yes. That is the question. 😉 Chicken Shawarma is made by alternately stacking strips of fat

Apr 4, 2013

Easter and Crawfish in New Orleans

Easter and Crawfish in New Orleans

Easter Is a Season Our secular culture does not think so, but it is true. Easter is a season that spans 50 days and culminates with the celebration of Pentecost. Life is full

Feb 28, 2013

Using Pickled Pork for Seasoning

Using Pickled Pork for Seasoning

Pickled Pork? The other day I shared a soup recipe for #SundaySupper. It was my recipe for Louisiana Caldo, and it features a peculiar ingredient: pickled pork. Now, I say it’s a

Feb 24, 2013

Louisiana Caldo for #SundaySupper

Louisiana Caldo for #SundaySupper

Louisiana Caldo: Mustard Greens & Pickled Pork What is Louisiana Caldo? Louisiana Caldo is a thick, nourishing soup that is traditional to the Isleños… settlers of St. Bernard Parish (outside of New Orleans